Plant a Seed.

While practicing yoga we are planting seeds of intention, with a desire to build strength and flexibility in our bodies in order to achieve clarity and openness of mind. Whether we are outdoors breathing with the trees, or moving in our own inside spaces, our efforts help us to cultivate a feeling of power and freedom, and a generosity of spirit that will help us to be of service to others.  

Join us in the Garden or on Zoom

All summer long, the Garden is our yoga studio. There is nothing like the connection we feel to all living beings while outdoors - the sun and sky as we reach our arms up, green leaves and bright flowers all around us in every pose, and a caterpillar crawling across our mat as we fold forward.

Outdoor classes are also accessible by Zoom from your home or workplace.

The current schedule is:

Monday and Wednesday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

When the weather turns colder, we move  our online classes inside, and continue to cultivate our Garden - in our own space, in our lives, and with our practice.

The Garden in Summer

Yoga in the Garden is located in Ashfield, Massachusetts. Classes are in the garden from May through October, unless you are notified that the class will be on Zoom-only due to the weather or a change of schedule. Outdoor classes are also on Zoom, so even if you are not local or can’t make it to the garden, you can do the class online from your home or workplace.

Included in the outdoor classes is the opportunity to stroll the gardens after class and enjoy a refreshing herbal tea.

The Garden in Winter

Classes continue on Zoom from November through April, and when the weather is wet or inclement in the summer season.

Included in the Winter (online) classes are free private sessions by request to answer any questions and determine what modifications will benefit you in your practice.

Become a Member

Join us -

Monday and Wednesday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., and

Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Just click on the Become a Member button below and you will immediately receive the Zoom Link.

A monthly membership gives you access to:

  • 1, 2, 3, or all 4 yoga classes a week in the garden or on Zoom

  • An optional introductory 30-60 minute private lesson

Yoga in the Garden operates on a sliding scale system.  At checkout, you’ll have the option to choose a price between $0-$60 that feels right for you.

You can pay by Venmo (@Christina-Gabriel-12) or reach out to me at if you prefer a different payment method.

To be able to absorb the benefits of yoga it’s best to practice more than once a week. Signing up for a monthly membership is meant to encourage you to pay once a month and then come to as many yoga classes as you are able!


Don’t want to sign up to be a member yet? Sign up for a monthly reminder about classes, with inspiration and photos and news about the garden, current students, and special events. (This is NOT the form to fill out for a monthly membership! To become a member and receive the Zoom link for the online classes, please click on “Become a Member”)

Private Lessons

Interested in a private lesson? 60 minute private lessons are available by appointment.

  • $40-$60 for an hour on Zoom or in the Garden

  • $60-$100 for an hour in person at your home

Please contact: to make an appointment.

Try a Free Class

Maybe you’d like to try a class for free before joining as a member? Send an email to request the Zoom link for an upcoming class, or with any questions you may have.

With your first full month of membership, enjoy a free thirty-sixty minute private introductory class, to get you oriented for your personal practice.

Read Past Issues of the Yoga in the Garden Newsletter

Christina Gabriel

Christina is a lifelong dancer, mother of two boys, a Master Gardener, and a yoga teacher. She grows hundreds of varieties of perennials, herbs, and shrubs in her extensive gardens and works as a gardener and gardening consultant. For info on her gardening services, click here

Christina’s yoga classes are strength building, restorative, exploratory and fun, with variations and modifications of poses offered to suit all levels.

She is also happy to teach Yoga In YOUR Garden, combined with a gardening lesson, with special emphasis on gaining the flexibility and strength you need to create and maintain a garden, and taking care of your body while you work.

Student Testimonials

"A born yoga teacher, Christina composes her classes with the lyrical quality of a choreographer, tapping into her roots in dance to effectively sequence asanas and create beautiful, intuitive transitions between postures. With a soothing voice that communicates both care and mastery, students will realize within moments that Christina is a trusting presence and soulful guide."

“Thank you for a beautiful, transcendent afternoon yoga class. Time flow, pure oxygen, incredible grace and fluidity, your kind encouragement .... we enjoyed a wonderful stretchy workout without feeling any strain. We came away feeling stimulated yet calm and refreshed."

"Your ability to consider the needs of everyone and gently get them met is so amazing."

"I have learned so much ... how to be a nurturing person, how to be playful while still acknowledging all parts of my strength."

"Your love shines so bright as soon as you open your mouth! Also you bring such mastery to teaching yoga from dance where we can feel that you know your own body and can help others learn theirs. Your skill in giving clear directions and the love and wisdom you weave into the yoga class makes each pose so much more powerful for the student."

“Thank you so much for the great classes! I love them and feel my body getting stronger and ache less. For me, they are the perfect balance between challenging, relaxing, and fun with enough variation week to week that I don’t get bored. I like the challenging and fun new poses tossed in with the ‘usual’ poses! I prefer holding poses for a breath or two usually, rather than speeding through them and your pace is good for me. I always feel better after class.”

“I love it all! Your clarity and pace always amaze me. Sometimes I find the various poses challenging, but it makes me realize all the possibilities of what our bodies can do. I like the variety. It always feels new.”


Can I become a member on any day of the month?  Yes! Just decide how much you will pay for the rest of that calendar month and type that in when you register.

How do I pay for a class? You are welcome to do a trial class for free, and after that it is suggested that you commit to a month at a time of classes, paying what feels reasonable to you. If you know you are only going to do one or two classes that month, simply pay what you wish for those classes. You can pay by Venmo (@Christina-Gabriel-12) or mail a check at any time, and you can drop in any time. You will get the Zoom link by filling out the short membership form the first month you sign up.

I am a complete and total beginner. I know nothing about yoga and I’m pretty out of shape. Is there a beginner’s class? All classes are mixed level. New members receive an introductory class where you can learn some fundamentals and become acquainted with yoga as a practice. In every practice, you can go at your own pace and do what feels right for your body. There are variations and modifications for each pose to suit all levels.

Become a Member

Become a member of Yoga in the Garden to join Zoom and outdoor in-person classes


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© 2021 Yoga in the Garden